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“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.”
― Marvin Simkin

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Mission Statement

Finding Inspiration in Our Community

The Democratic Club of Big Bear Valley supports the values and principles of the Democratic Party, including equal access to opportunity for all Americans.


We advocate for progressive values through analysis of issues and policies, education, recruitment, fund-raising and coordination with other Democratic groups.

We work to advance these principles in Big Bear and beyond, by raising the visibility of Democrats in our community through participation in civic functions, voter registrations initiatives, and through the election of Democrats to public office, appointment to Boards and Commissions, and active participation in the electoral process.

Our programs include speakers on issues of public policy, and advocacy for candidates. 


We believe in an accountable government that supports the American worker, provides high quality education, insures of healthcare for all, protects the environment, achieves a fair tax structure, advances the causes of peace, prosperity, and democracy at home and abroad.

We invite all interested residents and visitors in Big Bear and nearby communities who support these principles to join our efforts.

Our Values

We stand for human rights and social justice.


We believe in equal opportunity without the exclusion of any citizen or resident.


We are committed to the rule of law and public election of governmental officeholders by Democratic process.

 We believe that the voting franchise gives us the power to effectuate change and ensure the human rights and social justice will not become subverted by an unjust government as the founding fathers of the Republic had envisioned.


We encourage action and the fair sharing of responsibility for the improvements of our community and society as an integrated whole.

Club Officers

President: Sarah Gardam-Thomas

Vice President: Randy Carroll-Brad

Secretary: Gayle Venages

Treasurer: Steven Sauter

Club Bylaws

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